Dear Grandma!
I have so many happy and priceless memories of my youth, running up and down the stairs in your home, eating jelly, saying hello to you when you were weeding near your pond...You made our young days joyful and i will remember them all my life. Going to Grandad and Grandma's was the best thing ever, all dirty and sweaty after a 10 hours trip from France. But the goal was this cosy english home where we were loved and cared for. As a kid I remember all the tears you shed every time we went away back to France and now, strangely enough, I'm the one with tears in my eyes ! You knew what the word "departure" meant, now I know it too. You left us your smile and the soft tone of a beloved grandma's voice. You will stay in my memories for ever. Goodbye Grandma. David
25th August 2021